09 | 5 Rock Solid Tips That Will End Money Fights in Your Marriage

Season #1 Episode #9

Money is something couples do together. Today, we are joined by Jonathan and Amanda Teixeira, founders of WalletWin, which is an online course and podcast that teaches personal finances to both individuals and couples. Here are a few things to remember from this podcast. —> Joint accounts —> Dreaming together - where you want to go (vision board, dreams, values, etc) - where you’re starting from (take stock of your current financial situation) - how you’ll get there (agree on the strategies and tactics) —> Budgeting together - BOTH of you work on making the budget - Think about the Love Languages - show ‘em some love via the budget - WhyNab.com —> Spending together - Large purchases are spoken about as a couple - Keep financial tracking synced up (use an app - the other person will always be in the know about where you guys are) —> Learn together - Whatever you’re doing to grow in financial literacy, share it with your spouse The WalletWin Workshop is a GREAT resource - a FREE Online Workshop designed to help you save money faster, get out of debt sooner, and build a game plan for a lifetime of financial success. You can sign up at https://walletwins.samcart.com/referral/workshop/oXlrsueijnYECngm

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